
Author: stavros

Athens: Infrastructures of social integration and refugee settlement in Athens

Vilmouv is now online!

Rome: Le disuguaglianze nell’uso di energia elettrica e il rischio di povertà energetica nelle zone urbanistiche di Roma

Athens: Stray cats between urban planning, heritagization and ecofeminism

The Urban Social Atlas Öresund is now online!

Going down Piraeus Street: the metamorphoses of a street, witness of industrial Greece

Roma: Elezioni regionali 2023: a Roma vince l’astensione

Nantes: La géographie du logement social (1/2). Un parc insuffisant, mais mieux réparti dans la métropole nantaise

Nantes: La situation des non accompagné.es en Loire Atlantique depuis 2014

Roma: Patrimonio archeologico nelle zone urbanistiche